Study: Hot drinks cause cancer
Study: Hot drinks cause cancer Do you know my lady that eating too hot drinks that reach more than 65 degrees Celsius may cause cancer?
Hot drinks cause cancer
Very hot drinks cause cancer, especially esophageal cancer, pharyngitis and larynx cancer
as demonstrated by recent scientific studies and has been announced by the International Agency for Research on Cancer IARC
About 1,000 studies and scientific research have been conducted in a large number of countries
including South America, China, Turkey and Iran, all of which confirmed that drinking very hot beverages is a cause of cancer, including esophageal cancer.
Because the hot temperature of this degree may contribute significantly to increase the growth of cancer cells and increases the risk of cancerous tumor fatal
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization (WHO) has cautioned against drinking too much hot drinks and that it should wait until it is cooled a little before taking this hot drink, whether tea, coffee or any natural herbal drink.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has confirmed that the cancer may occur because of the high temperature of the drink, not the type of drink itself, and that there is no scientific study that may prove that coffee or tea may cause cancer
“Studies in places such as China, Iran, Turkey and South America have found that tea is very hot in these countries at temperatures above 70 degrees Celsius, which has increased the risk of esophageal cancer in these countries,” the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) said
Director of the International Agency for Research on Cancer Christopher Wilde said:
“These results suggest that drinking too hot drinks is a possible cause of esophageal cancer.
Regardless of the type of drink it increases the risk of injury. “The Health Information Officer at the Cancer Research Center in Britain, Casey Dunlop, said:
” Very hot tea is a popular drink in the Middle East and other countries.
“There is some evidence that drinking too hot drinks May increase the risk of esophageal cancer, so as long as people want to drink hot drinks, let them cool down a little before they drink, which will probably make them less vulnerable
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The results came after several tests by 23 scientists from all European countries. These included people who ate very hot coffee, hot tea and some other hot drinks, and linked these tests to each other and found that there is a close relationship between cancer of the esophagus and the use of hot drinks
Esophageal cancer is the seventh most dangerous cancer in the world and may cause more than 500,000 deaths worldwide. It is important to keep away from anything that can cause the disease, even if it is very hot
Headlines saying ‘hot tea causes oesophageal cancer’ miss crucial details
Hot tea may raise esophageal cancer risk
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World Health Organization Says Very Hot Drinks May Cause Cancer