Ingredients to Avoid When Buying Makeup Products

Ingredients to Avoid When Buying Makeup Products

Ingredients to Avoid When Buying Makeup Products – Have you ever checked the ingredients of the cosmetic products you buy? Do you even know that your skin absorbs toxic chemicals when you make use of your beauty and skin care products?

If NO, then you might think of reading this article and avail yourself the opportunity to know more about the ingredients to avoid while applying makeup so as to help you maintain a healthy, fresh, clear and glowing skin!

When choosing cosmetic products, it is important that you read all the necessary information that is mentioned on the product and make sure it does not contain any harmful ingredients that can be really harmful for your body and can be easily absorbed into your skin, causing cellular damage and cancer in the body.

Moreover, not all ingredients are BAD, so it is imperative that you choose the ones that do not do any harm to your skin and don’t cause any side-effects or any adverse reactions.

Here are some ingredients that you would like to avoid when buying cosmetic products.


These are the preservatives that are widely used for preventing the increase of bacteria, mold and yeast in cosmetic merchandise.

They can play an imperative part in causing breast cancers and other harmful allergic reactions like rashes. They can be found in different forms such as methyl, ethyl, butyl, propyl, etc.

They can be found in many makeup products, shampoos, perfumes, deodorants, and in various foods like barley, carrots, onions, strawberries, etc.


They are a group of chemicals that are used in thousands of products so as to increase the elasticity and pliability of plastics.

The most common phthalates that are used in cosmetics and daily skin care products are:

Di-butyl phthalate: found in nail polish
Diethyl phthalate: found in perfumes and lotions,
and Di-methyl phthalate: found in hair sprays.

Moreover, they can cause health related problems which include damage to kidney/liver, breast cancer, birth defects, decrease in sperm count, birth defects in males and females, and early breast development both in girls and boys.

mohamed mostafa

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