How can patients delay renal dialysis

How can patients delay renal dialysis

 How can patients delay renal dialysis NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – People with chronic kidney disease can slow down their condition and delay their need for dialysis through nutrition therapy, according to a new article published in the Journal of the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

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Dialysis life expectancy by age

But in a review of the evidence on the benefits of nutritional therapy, the obstacles and possible solutions,

the researchers note that only 10 percent of renal patients who do not have dialysis in the United States met an expert on the diet for a number of reasons

How can patients delay renal dialysis

“Kidney disease increases because of the epidemic of obesity and old age and it is one of the most costly diseases even if the patient is not yet undergoing dialysis

Treatment of kidney disease is already more expensive than other chronic diseases such as stroke,

and the costs of treatment are even higher when the disease reaches late stages,” the researchers said

Slow down the worsening of the disease

Nutrition therapy is not a panacea but can help, “in an interview with Reuters Health.

” It is important to find ways to prevent the disease or slow down the need for dialysis if the infection has occurred

The researchers found that people with kidney disease can slow the progression of the disease by limiting their intake of protein, phosphorus supplements and salt.

But they cautioned that the system should be followed up with a diet expert so that the patient does not get malnourished and high potassium levels

“Kidney disease should be seen as a nutritional disorder, but unfortunately it is not seen as much in this way,” We see that the majority, whether sick or doctors, do not realize the benefits

Detailed report on renal dialysis
Interesting Info about Kidney Dialysis

Kidney dialysis is similar to chemotherapy

We have to do what cancer doctors do,” researcher at Irvine College of Medicine at the University of California, who did not participate in the study.

We may not be able to treat kidney disease, but we can control it

In comparison, chemotherapy is similar to chemotherapy for cancer patients.

If we can control kidney disease and delay renal dialysis using nutrition guidelines, let’s do it

ayman kamel

مرحبا بكم. اسمي ايمن كامل يسعدني أن أقدم نفسي كمدير موقع كليتي (، حيث اعمل علي تطويرة لخدمة مرضي الكلي في العالم العربي . أُعاني من مرض الكلى منذ سنوات، لكنني أؤمن إيمانًا راسخًا بأنّ الثقة بالله الإرادة والعزيمة هما مفتاح النحاة، ولن يمنعني مرضي من بذل قصارى جهدي لخدمة مرضي الكلي أينما كانوا. أُرحب بجميع أفكاركم واقتراحاتكم لتطوير الموقع، وجعله مصدرًا غنيًا بالمعلومات والمعرفة لجميع رواده.