Dialysis life expectancy by age

Dialysis life expectancy by age

Dialysis life expectancy by age

Dialysis life expectancy How long can you live without dialysis by age

Renal dialysis is considered to be the best option for management of renal failure.

With renal dialysis you will have a good healthy life with your kidney dysfunction.

With renal dialysis you will add many healthy active years to your life and may prevent many possible health complications.

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There is no definite stable life expectancy for renal patients on dialysis

there are many factors that may have the main role in detection of your life expectancy with dialysis, they include

Your commitment to renal dialysis sessions
(Your general health condition (diabetic, hypertensive, hepatic… etc
(Your body built (obese, slim, sportive… etc
(Your life style (smoker, alcoholic, fast food… etc

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In addition to that, there are some important advices which may increase your life expectancy, as follow

Commitment to every renal dialysis session

Commitment to your medications

Usual monitoring to your blood pressure, blood glucose level, electrolyte levels, hepatic function test and renal

function test

Quick access to a specialist doctor if you had any urgent medical issue

You should do HCV test on an ongoing basis as renal patients on dialysis are more liable to have blood borne hepatitis C virus

Eat healthy food; the best food regimen for renal patients on dialysis includes low fat, salt and protein meals

Vegetables and fruits (except potassium or sodium rich ones like; cabbage, peppers, lettuce, celery and cucumber) are very useful

Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol

Be socially active, as some researchers suggest that renal patients on dialysis are more liable to have some psychological issues like depressions and anxiety

so they encourage social participation as the best preventive and therapeutic measure for psychological issues related to renal patients on dialysis

(Try to do some exercise in fresh air (even walking

Avoid obesity and watch your weight regularly.

mohamed mostafa

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