Eating fruits and vegetables causes happiness

Eating fruits and vegetables causes happiness

Eating fruits and vegetables causes happiness – Eating vegetables and fresh fruits is not only important for human health, but also one of the most important factors of feeling very happy and psychological comfort, as evidenced by a large number of studies and scientific research

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Eating fruits and vegetables causes happiness

The benefits of eating fresh vegetables and fruits are known to enhance body health and improve the body’s various functions. In addition, fruits and vegetables contribute to happiness, mood and morale

One of the most prominent scientific studies that proved this is a recent American study.

The researchers carried out in the American Journal of Public Health and pointed out after the work of tests and the results show that the human intake of about eight fruits of vegetables and fruits on a daily basis.

Has helped to heighten his morale and this is quite similar to his sense of happiness when he gets something he liked and wanted to own

 An Australian study conducted by a team of researchers and doctors confirmed that there is a close relationship between increasing the intake of vegetables and fruits daily and increasing the feeling and feeling of happiness over two full years.

A study in Britain at Coventry University in Warwick, attended by Andrew Oswald, who teaches economics and behavioral science at the university,

said that fruit and vegetables should always be eaten after studying more than 12,000 people

The results show that the more servings of fruits and vegetables a person consumes daily.

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Higher his happiness and satisfaction with life
“The obvious effect of fruits and vegetables is very surprising,”

 “I eat up to seven fruits a day,” Andrew Oswald told Reuters Health magazine. He and his colleagues believed that people believed that there was a benefit in the short term.

In addition to long-term benefits, they may be eager to eat more fruits and vegetables

The researchers found that increased intake of fruit and fresh vegetables increases the secretion of happiness hormones within the body much faster than their health benefits. The Daily Mail reported

Therefore, one of the essential things we must follow during the day is to

eat many fruit fruits such as

bananas, strawberries, kiwi, oranges, peaches, berries, grapes, figs, pears, apples, guava, watermelon, pomegranate, mandarin, cherry, mango and lots of delicious and delicious fruits. Cucumber, carrots, colored peppers, pancakes, radish, parsley, onions and other leafy vegetables including spinach, broccoli, cabbage, turnip, broccoli, squash, papaya, sweet potatoes, potatoes, eggplants and many more.

In order to enjoy good health and psychological and moral condition wonderful, we all need so much

ayman kamel

مرحبا بكم. اسمي ايمن كامل يسعدني أن أقدم نفسي كمدير موقع كليتي (، حيث اعمل علي تطويرة لخدمة مرضي الكلي في العالم العربي . أُعاني من مرض الكلى منذ سنوات، لكنني أؤمن إيمانًا راسخًا بأنّ الثقة بالله الإرادة والعزيمة هما مفتاح النحاة، ولن يمنعني مرضي من بذل قصارى جهدي لخدمة مرضي الكلي أينما كانوا. أُرحب بجميع أفكاركم واقتراحاتكم لتطوير الموقع، وجعله مصدرًا غنيًا بالمعلومات والمعرفة لجميع رواده.