Dialysis is necessary at a given time in our lives

Dialysis is necessary at a given time in our lives

Dialysis is necessary at a given time in our lives The idea of ​​dialysis is concentrated when the kidneys are unable to do their work in washing the blood in the body, which requires the use of a device for the elimination of waste and salts of blood

Dialysis: Information you need to know
Hemodialysis is one of the methods used to purify the blood

Dialysis is necessary at a given time in our lives

The idea of ​​dialysis is concentrated when the kidneys are unable to do their work in washing blood in the body, which requires the use of a device to filter waste, salts and fluids of blood

Dialysis requires the person in need to follow a strict treatment schedule, take medication regularly, and often, make changes in your diet

Dialysis is a serious responsibility, so it’s up to you to work closely with your health care team, which will include a kidney specialist and other medical staff at the dialysis center


The healthy kidneys purify blood and remove excess fluid through the urine.

Dialysis replaces some of these functions when the kidneys are not able to work. There are two different types of dialysis – blood washing and peritoneal dialysis

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When does the patient need to do bloody washing

The patient needs dialysis if the kidneys are sufficient to remove waste and fluid from the blood.

This usually occurs when the patient has only 10 to 15 percent of the kidney function.

It may have symptoms such as nausea, swelling, vomiting and fatigue. However, even if you do not have these symptoms the doctor is the best personal you will obey when you decide to start dialysis

In dialysis, the dialysis machine cleans the blood by passing it in special filters.

The doctor needs to enter the blood vessels through a simple operation, usually in the arm

The candidate consists of two parts, one for the blood of the patient and the other for another fluid called.
A thin membrane separates these two parts, where small wastes in the blood, such as urea, creatinine, and potassium are washed across the membrane to taken away, and keep blood cells, proteins and other important things in the blood because they are too large to pass through the membrane

Kidney dialysis can be done in hospital or in a laundry center for kidneys or at home.
Depending on the patient’s condition and the doctor’s decision

Interesting Info about Kidney Dialysis

Period of dialysis

Kidney dialysis sessions usually last for about four hours and are done three times a week.

Studies have shown that getting an adequate amount of dialysis improves the patient’s general health and can live longer.

The dialysis team monitors the special treatment with monthly laboratory tests to ensure that it has adequate amount of dialysis

In some cases of acute renal failure, dialysis may be needed for a short period until the condition improves. However, when chronic kidney disease progresses to kidney failure over time, the kidneys do not improve, and the patient will need renal dialysis for the rest of his life only if he is able to get a kidney transplant

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Patient’s condition during renal dialysis

The placement of needles when starting dialysis may be uncomfortable at first. But most patients get used to this with time

The team doctor dialysis center to ensure that the placement of needles as comfortable as possible during the treatment period

Some symptoms may include nausea, colic, headaches and dizziness, although they are not common, but if the patient has any of them, there are some steps that can be taken by the medical team that can help him, including

Slow down fluid removal, which can increase dialysis time

Increase the amount of sodium in the fluid

Check for high blood pressure medications

Adjust dry weight, or target weight

Cool the steering wheel slightly

Use of a special medicine to help prevent hypotension during renal dialysis

The patient can help himself by following his own diet. As the need to remove a lot of fluids during dialysis are one of the things that may make him feel uncomfortable during treatment

ayman kamel

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